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Latest issue of E-News (19/9/2024)

(1) Test results of seasonal food surveillance project on mooncakes (second phase) all satisfactory

The Centre for Food Safety of the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department announced on 10th September the results of a seasonal food surveillance project on mooncakes (second phase).  The results of 186 samples taken from various retailers (including online retailers) and food factories for chemical and microbiological tests, and nutrition content analysis were all satisfactory.  In summary, all testing results for mooncakes in this project have met the testing standards.

Please click into the webpage for details:

(2) Do Not Eat Raw Freshwater Fish to Avoid Harmful Bacteria and Parasites

Raw freshwater fish including grass carp, bighead carp or snakehead may carry parasites such as Chinese liver fluke, which can cause obstruction, inflammation and cancer of the biliary ducts in the liver. In order to protect public health, raw freshwater fish (Chinese Yu Sang) is a prohibited food under the Food Business Regulation (Cap 132X) in Hong Kong. Consumers are advised not to eat raw or undercooked freshwater fish while dining locally or travelling and eat freshwater fish only if it is adequately cooked, especially when having hot pot or congee. Cover all wounds when handling raw seafood, and wear protective gloves if possible.

Please click into the webpage for details:

(3) FEHD strives to enhance food safety of catering services for tour groups

The Food and Environmental Hygiene Department (FEHD) has launched a special round of operations to inspect food premises serving tour groups in various districts of Hong Kong with reference to the list provided by Travel Industry Authority, with the aim of enhancing food safety and hygiene awareness among the caterers.

Please click into the webpage for details:

(4) CFS continues to crack down on inbound persons illegally bringing regulated food into Hong Kong

The Centre for Food Safety of the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department announced on 16th September that in order to combat inbound persons illegally bringing regulated food such as raw meat, poultry and eggs into Hong Kong, the CFS has continuously stepped up interception and mounted enforcement actions, and deployed quarantine detector dogs to assist law enforcement officers in carrying out their duties at various land boundary control points, all in an effort to safeguard public health.

Please click into the webpage for details:

Centre for Food Safety

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